Protecting Children

As parents we know how easily we were exposed to inappropriate and/or pornographic material when we were children.  We want to protect our children from experiencing the same, or worse.  Often we do not talk about it for fear that they will become curious and explore on their own.  Not talking about it will not prevent them from becoming curious and exploring on their own. 

Through my husband's experience he said, "If we do not teach our children the right way, Satan is already poised to teach them the wrong."  It is true!  The adversary is not standing by passively waiting for this.  It is everywhere.  It is a full on attack! What we as parents can and need to do for our children is to give them the tools of what to do when they see pornography or are confronted with any sort of sexual experience.  Children acting out on children is much more common than we realize.

The very best material that I have found is called "A Parent's Guide".  It starts at the very beginning with who I am and my relationship with God.  This determines the type of parent that I will be, am or can become.  This is not just for someone that is starting their family or has young children. It applies to everyone even if we are not married and has never had children.  It is a great foundational guide for being A Child of God.  Please don't skip ahead, reading it line upon line is very fulfilling!

**UPDATE** So, the church has replaced A Parent's Guide with "Strengthening the Family: Resource Guide for Parents"  The link for "A Parent's Guide" No longer works. However if you do have access to "A Parent's Guide" I highly recommend it.
So...there's my wordiness. ;)  I am so long winded!  Sorry!

Below are some other wonderful resources for children and parents!

10 Ways to Immunize Kids Against Pornography  Deseret News, Oct. 31, 2014
“Problem with Pornography is Epidemic” Deseret News, February 3, 2001

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