I stumbled across this link today. I tried to retrace my steps to find it again and could not, so I decided to put it here so I could easily find it, and as a beautiful and powerful example of recovery.
Meet Sherrie
I hope to one day meet this amazing and courageous woman! It gives me hope as I continue the struggle with my addict.
Recovery is real. Thank you Sherrie!!!
My journey of hope and healing after discovering my husband's more than 30 year addiction to pornography.
After discovering my husband's pornography addiction, my journey of hope and healing.
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- **Updated** Spouse and Family Support
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- The 12 Steps
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- Recovery...How to Begin?
- The Chemicals Behind Addiction
- Protecting Children
- The Effects of Pornography on Wives and Marriages
- ** Effective Adult and Youth Program**
- **New** Support In Recovery
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